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Consulate General Toronto
Wählen kann nur, wer in ein Wählerverzeichnis eingetragen ist. Der letzte Termin für die Stellung eines Antrags auf Eintragung ins Wählerverzeichnis ist Sonntag, der 02. Februar 2025! Deutsche, die im Ausland leben und nicht in Deutschland gemeldet sind, müssen dies zunächst beantragen. Die Wahlbekanntmachung für Deutsche im Ausland finden Sie hier.
Die deutschen Auslandsvertretungen in Kanada bieten kurzfristig Sonderkuriersendungen für die Rücksendung von Wahlbriefen nach Deutschland an. Dies kann über die persönliche Abgabe der Wahlbriefe bei der Botschaft in Ottawa sowie bei den Generalkonsulaten in Montreal, Toronto und Vancouver erfolgen.
Nähere Informationen zu dem Verfahren und Fristen finden Sie hier
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Germany and our services. The Consulate General of Toronto serves as the competence center for legal and consular affairs of the German missions in Canada. Our administrative district comprises the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. Acting Consul General Barbara de Tschaschell represents the Federal Republic of Germany in these two provinces.
Acting Consul General Barbara de Tschaschell
I am proud to represent Germany as Acting Consul General in Toronto. Keeping the strong ties between Ontario and Germany in all areas including politics, trade, culture, research and energy is our focus.
Acting Consul General Barbara de Tschaschell
Address, opening hours & contact
Consulate General
Barbara de Tschaschell, Acting Consul General
2 Bloor Street East, 25th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1A8Directions and parking information
Administrative district: Provinces of Manitoba und Ontario Consular district: Provinces of Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince-Edward-Island, Quebec, Nunavut.
Opening hours
In order to make use of our consular services, please book an appointment via our online appointment system.
Telephone availability of the Consulate General Toronto: Monday to Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm
The Consulate General supports citizens with disabilities and aims at facilitating their access to Consular staff within the framework of the structural conditions of the building.
If you have any questions or concerns about accessibility or need assistance, please contact us.
A barrier-free entrance to the lobby of the building, in which the Consulate General is located, is accessible from the Bloor Street entrance. The remaining entrances to the building are only barrier-free to a limited extent. The floor level on which the Consulate is located is accessible via elevators from the main lobby.
Accessible toilets are available on the floor on which the Consulate is located.
The Consulate General in Toronto will be closed on the following Canadian and/or German holidays: