
Our Advent Calendar on Instagram

Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar, © Pixabay

27.11.2018 - Article

Are you counting the days until Christmas? In Germany, we love doing this with our Advent Calendars. Every day between Dec 1 and Dec 24 we open a door that reveals a picture, candy or even a little present. Check out our Advent Calendar on the Instagram Story.

Going back in history, the Advent calendar was mainly a counting aid and a timepiece. The actual origins can be traced back to the 19th century - the first Advent calendar was probably self-crafted in 1851 by protestant Christians. In the beginning, families would hang up 24 pictures on the wall every day until Christmas. A simpler type were 24 chalk strokes painted on the wall or door, which the children were allowed to wipe away one stroke a day. In Catholic households, on the other hand, straws were placed in a crib, one for each day until Christmas Eve. Other forms of the Advent calendar were the Christmas clock or an Advent candle, which was burned every day to the next mark. This version was particularly widespread during the National Socialist era as a replacement for the usual Advent calendar. Today, the most popular fillings are candies, usually chocolate pieces in Christmas design, hidden behind doors, which will be opened day-by-day.

This year, we created a very special Advent calendar for you including a quiz that is posted every day until Christmas in our Instagram Story. Open one door per day and win a price at the end.


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