Stolpersteine. Stumbling Stones. Every Stone has its story. A Documentary.

Screen Grab Stolpersteine, © German Consulate Toronto
This documentary was produced by the German Consulate Toronto on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust. The Stumbling Stone Exhibition was produced by the Koordinierungsstelle Stolpersteine e.V. Berlin and is displaced in Canada for the first time.
The Stumbling stones exhibition introduces the often unknown groundwork and manifold facets of the European art and remembrance project by artist Gunter Demnig. Stolpersteine are being realized for Jews, Sinti and Roma, people from the political or religious resistance, victims of the “euthanasia”; murders, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses and for people who were persecuted for being declared to be “asocial”. This short documentary places emphasis on the faces, names and stories behind every stone, interviewing Canadian Holocaust descendants about the importance of the Stumbling stones for their process of remembrance.
Watch: Stolpersteine. Stumbling Stones. Every Stone has its Story. A Documentary.
(3:01 min)
The exhibition is currently not accessible to the public based on Covid19 restrictions.
If you wish to inquire about details of the exhibit, please follow our social media channels or contact pr-100@toro.auswaertiges-amt.de