
August 19 - Symphony of Now – Berlin’s Musical Panorama and Nightlife + Live DJs

Symphony of Now Poster

Symphony of Now Poster, © German Embassy Ottawa

30.07.2021 - Article

If you love the Berlin nightlife, this is for you: Please join our Embassy in Ottawa in collaboration with battleROYAL Berlin online for “Symphony of Now – Berlin’s Musical Panorama and Nightlife”.

The virtual movie screening of “Symphony of Now” that will be followed by a live concert with the DJs Sydney Blu and RZN8 featuring DJ Joe Juarez & VJ Laura Austen!

Symphony of Now offers a kaleidoscopic sequence of scenes and images from nighttime Berlin. Revisiting the avant-garde approach of Walther Ruttmann’s Berlin –Die Sinfonie der Großstadt, the 1927 film that describes a typical day in Berlin– in Symphony of Now, director Johannes Schaff leads the viewer past urban panoramas, along recognizable junctures, to private moments and secret places.

We believe: The movie is a must-see for everyone who loves or is curious about Berlin, especially its nightlife. We hope you enjoy it as much as we will!

If you wish to attend the online event, please register at the following link: https://hopin.com/events/symphony-of-now-berlins-musical-panorama-and-nightlife and follow us on Instagram: @GermanyInCanada.

We look forward to celebrating the spirit of diverse, mysterious, and lively Berlin with you!

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