German Day of Unity - A Day to Reflect and Share

Cake on the Occasion of German National Day, © German Consulate Toronto
We celebrated the Day of German Unity 2021 reminiscing about the events that gave Germany unity while remembering those among us hardest hit by the pandemic.
In order to show solidarity on our Day of German Unity in times of COVID 19, the German Embassy, Consulates General and Honorary Consuls extended hospitality to communities hardest hit by the pandemic across Canada. Meals will be distributed throughout eight provinces on our guests’ behalf to people in need. Here in Toronto, more than 200 German-inspired meals were prepared by the amazing team and volunteers at The Stop Community Food Centre. Thank you as well to Ricarda's and Stubbe Chocolates for helping us getting this on the way. As Consul General Thomas E. Schultze amplified during his speech in front of a small party of invited guests at his residency “in times likes this we need more solidarity than ever.”