Language Proficiency - DSD 2 Diploma Award for German Language Students

Consul General Thomas E. Schutze awards the highest German language diploma DSD 2, © German Consulate Toronto
The DSD 2 diploma represents the highest grade of German language profiency and allows, amongst other, to study in Germany. 18 students graduated this week and were awarded their hard earned diplomas. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
This is what we call “Gut gemacht!”: 18 students in Ontario graduated this year from the DSD2 German language programme, 11 of them received their German Language Diploma (DSD2) last week during a festive ceremony at the German Consulate.
Consul General Thomas E. Schultze awarded the diplomas emphasizing the dedication of the 16 to 18 year-olds to the German language. After years of studying remotely for the last two years - and to make it extra hard - on Saturday mornings, the DSD2 diploma entitles the recipients to study in Germany. Consul General Thomas E. Schultze handed out the diplomas emphasizing the dedication of the 16 to 18 year-olds to the German language and encouraged them to at least partially study abroad to make use of these language skills.
Congratulations on your graduation and a huge Dankeschön to all the teachers at our German Language schools in Ontario.