Frohes Neues Jahr - Registration Open for 2nd Term at German Saturday Schools in GTA

DSS Toronto - Frohes Neues Jahr, © DSS GTA
The Deutsche Sprachschulen (Metro Toronto) Inc. (“DSS”) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been operating German Saturday schools (KG to Grade 12) since 1956. Admissions for the 2nd term of the school year (January-June) are now open.
To celebrate the winter holiday season, our three schools hosted the traditional Weihnachtsfeier for the community. Visit our instagram page to see some photos!
The DSS Toronto Central West students entertained our families with songs, plays, and Weihnachtstrivia, followed by the annual potluck feast. We also took the opportunity to applaud the students recognized in the recent Canada-wide video competition sponsored by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA) – congratulations!
DSS Scarborough students prepared performances for their families that included dances, songs, plays, and poetry citations. Nikolaus came to visit us with sweet treats, and special guest “Goethe Books and Media” offered the opportunity to shop for German holiday gifts. We all enjoyed a wonderful spread of advent treats provided by our parent community - it was such a special way to connect before the holiday break.
At DSS Richmond Hill, the traditional winter concert was complemented by a cookie baking competition. We had the honour of Richmond Hill mayor David West joining us as a judge to award the best cookie. He even promised to join our beginner class this year to learn some German phrases for his business meetings.
More Info and Registration:
Do you want to be part of our exciting community and learn German? Admissions for the 2nd term of the school year (January-June) are now open. You can sign up for one of the 3 schools directly online:
Need more info or want to try it out first? Please contact the principal at your location directly for our “Schnuppertage”: