
German Saturday Schools in GTA celebrate their Graduates, Fasching and new Exchange Programs

07.03.2025 - Article

The Deutsche Sprachschulen (Metro Toronto) Inc. (“DSS”) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been operating German Saturday schools (KG to Grade 12) since 1956. Admissions for the 2nd term of the school year (January-June) are now open.

Results are in for the Deutsches Sprachdiplom II, the most prestigious and advanced official language certification accredited by the German government. Huge congratulations to our seven successful candidates who passed the exam and completed a 12-year-long journey of learning German at our schools!

For the first time, three students from our DSS Toronto Central West will have the unique opportunity to take part in a school exchange with a German high school. They will visit Wiesbaden, Germany, for two weeks this summer. This is made possible through participating in a program established by the German Language School Ottawa.

DSS Scarborough is excited to start their brand-new pen pal program this month! We have paired up with the Andreae Gymnasium in Herrenberg, Germany, to connect our students to German peers and enable them to engage with authentic, student-generated learning materials. We have just received our first shipment of letters! We are looking forward to getting to know our new friends and expanding this exciting program over the coming years!

Our DSS Richmond Hill celebrated Fasching with children dressing up, cookies and refreshments. It was a fun celebration for parents and students. DSD I students are preparing for oral exams. The principal and two board members were interviewed for a podcast on the school, DSS history and to reach out to Alumni in Richmond Hill (and beyond) for our upcoming 70 year anniversary in 2026. Listen to the podcast here: Richmond Hill's German Language School - Deutsche Sprachschulen | Connecting the Community

More Info and Registration:

Do you want to be part of our exciting community and learn German? Admissions for the 2nd term of the school year (January-June) are now open. You can sign up for one of the 3 schools directly online: https://www.dssgta.org/admissions

Need more info or want to try it out first? Please contact the principal at your location directly for our “Schnuppertage”:

DSS Richmond Hill DSS Scarborough DSS Toronto Central West

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