
Gorges - the Last Enchanted Places in Germany?

Steg, Wasserfallsteig durch die Leutaschklamm, Mittenwald, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland, Europa

The 1640 meter long Leutasch gorge crosses the border between Tyrol and Bavaria. At the deepest point, the secured hiking trail descends 75 meters. A special natural wonder that enchants anew every summer., © picture alliance / imageBROKER | Martin Siepmann


☀️🌴 A few of the places, we would like to visit in the summer are - of course - in Germany! Hidden in the mountains are breathtaking gorges that make you feel like a real adventurer when conquering them. At least that's how we felt when we hiked through some of them!

Let us take you on a journey to some of the most amazing places in Germany!

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