
Kurt Hübner, Prof.

Dr. Kurt Hübner

Dr. Kurt Hübner, © Dr. Kurt Hübner

27.08.2024 - Article

Dr. Kurt Hübner received his PhD in Economics and Political Science from the Free University Berlin. He is a professor at the Political Science Department at the University of British Columbia. He holds the Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration and Global Political Economy and the Chair for German and European Studies. He has published 12 books and numerous articles in journals. His most recent books are ‘Europe, Canada, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement’ (Routledge 2011) and ‘National Pathways to Low Carbon Economies’ (Routledge), published in 2019. He was a visiting research professor at University of Birmingham, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, National University in Singapore, Science Po in Grenoble, LUISS in Rome, The Institute for Advanced Studies at Waseda University in Tokyo, and the Ben-Gurion University in Israel where he is also an associate professor.

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