
Interested in an Education that Leads You to Exciting Companies like BioNTech?

Scientists in  a pharaceutical lab

Scientists in a pharaceutical lab, © Colourbox


If you're considering a career in STEM, there are many pathways that can lead to roles at innovative companies like BioNTech or others. Below are some reliable resources where you can find open apprenticeships, dual study programs, full-time degrees, and distance learning opportunities in Germany:

  1. Berufenet (Federal Employment Agency): A comprehensive database offering information on vocational training, requirements, and career opportunities in STEM. It also lists current job openings and further education options.
  2. Hochschulkompass: A portal by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) providing information on all universities and degree programs in Germany, including STEM subjects. It allows targeted searches for programs like computer science, biotechnology, or mechanical engineering that could lead to a career at companies like BioNTech.
  3. StepStone: One of Germany's job portals, also listing apprenticeship positions and dual study programs in the STEM sector. You can search for specific careers or study programs that align with opportunities at companies like BioNTech.
  4. DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service): The DAAD provides comprehensive information on international study opportunities, including STEM programs, and also lists German programs and universities relevant for a career in biotechnology.
  5. Arbeitsagentur: A guide for anyone coming to Germany from abroad to get a perfect overview of everything you need to know.
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