
Refund of mandatory contributions to the German pension fund


Man in suit
Man in suit© Copyright Colourbox

If you have paid mandatory contributions to the German pension fund for less than 5 years altogether and currently live outside of the EU, you may be able to have your pension contributions refunded.

Non-EU citizens can apply for a refund if more than 24 months have passed since their last contribution.

German citizens and citizens of another EU-country may be able to claim a refund after having reached the German retirement age.

If you have paid contributions for 5 years or more, you will not be able to claim a refund. Instead, you will be able to apply for and receive a monthly pension upon reaching the German retirement age.

In order to claim a refund, please fill out, sign and submit the following documentation to the German Pension Insurance:

- Form “Antrag auf Beitragserstattung” (Application for a Pension Contribution Refund)

- “Zahlungsermächtigung” (Declaration of Payment, Form A 1064)

- “Certificate of Life and Citizenship” (Form A 9060 - certified by a Notary Public, a bank or a German Foreign Mission.

(see links below)

For white collar workers:
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
10704 Berlin

For blue collar workers:
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Nord
Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 245
22159 Hamburg

Declaration of Payment

Antrag auf Beitragserstattung / Application for Pension Contribution Refund (in German and English language)

Certificate of Life and Citizenship (Form A9060)

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