Applying for a German old age pension or survivor's pension

Pensions from the German Social Security Insurance are only paid upon application and when all conditions are fulfilled (e.g. contributions for a minimal insurance period, age limit).
For the fulfillment of the minimal insurance period, as prescribed by the Agreement on Social Security between Germany and Canada, German insurance periods and insurance periods completed in Canada can be aggregated, resulting in a pension claim. (The aggregation of periods does not increase the pension payment.)
Insurance periods will only be aggregated if the minimum insurance period requirements and the special legal conditions pertaining to pension insurance are fulfilled. Both countries verify separately if the requirements of the respective legislation are met. The applicant can then receive a pension from the German Social Security Insurance and from the Canadian Pension Scheme.
You can receive application forms from your German Pension Authority or from the Canadian Liaison Office as set out in the Agreement on Social Security between Germany and Canada:
Human Resources Development Canada |
For applicants who have made contributions to the Québec Plan and are living in Québec:
Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale |
The completed forms can be submitted to Service Canada, which will forward them to the competent German Pension Authority, or directly to the German Pension Authority.
Application processing takes at least up to six months. If you want to inquire about the current status of your applicaton, please contact the pension authority.
The German Foreign Missions can only provide general information and are not a branch of the German Pension Authority abroad. Specific questions with respect to your pension or the amount of your pension can only be answered by the experts of the German Pension Authority.
International Benefits - Application Forms for Foreign Benefits