
What are the customs regulations on mailing packages to Germany?


If the quantity or value of goods exceeds custom exemption limits, the goods become dutiable goods and customs clearance is required. The Post Office is entitled to carry out customs clearance itself, provided that the package is accompanied by a customs declaration and the bill of mailed goods.

Packages to Germany may be mailed free of duty if their value does not exceed € 45 (Euro).

Alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, and perfumes are excluded from this provision. For these items, certain limits on quantity apply.

In these cases, the package will be delivered to the addressee by Postal Service.

If the quantity or value of goods exceeds custom exemption limits, the goods become dutiable goods and customs clearance is required. The Post Office is entitled to carry out customs clearance itself, provided that the package is accompanied by a customs declaration and the bill of mailed goods.

The package will not be delivered to the addressee!

The addressee will receive a note from the Postal Service on how and where he can pick up the package. When he collects the package, the addressee must pay the customs duties (ad valorem - amount depends on the items) plus an Import Turnover Tax (19% of the value of the items) and, for some goods, certain excise duties.

Please note that any problems or complaints can only be addressed directly by the competent Post Office or competent Customs Office in Germany. In the event of a problem, we suggest that the addressee contact these offices directly.

Mailing Packages to Germany - More information from the Website of the German Customs Administration

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