Foundation of the German Academic Society Toronto

Consul General Thomas Schultze, Dr. Barbara Cifra and Dr. Daniel Müller, © German Consulate General Toronto
On January 31, we celebrated the foundation of the “German Academic Society Toronto” (GAST) at the residence of Consul General Thomas E. Schultze, along with German-speaking researchers, scholars and professionals from universities, academic and cultural institutions and business community.
On the occasion of the GAST launch event Consul General Thomas E. Schultze said: “In Toronto we find one of the largest communities of German-speaking researchers and academics outside of Europe. We intend to better connect them, to deepen their exchange across academic disciplines. The German Academic Society Toronto will be at the very core of this project.” The GAST will serve as an interdisciplinary platform for German-speaking researchers, scholars and professionals in the Greater Toronto Area. It will facilitate the exchange of experiences within the North American academic system, promote cooperation within the German-speaking academic community and ease the acclimatization of newcomers to Toronto. It aims at becoming a catalyst for networking and interdisciplinary dialogue, initiating unexpected approaches and even new research projects. The GAST will connect local universities and research institutions with German scientific institutions, political decision-makers and German institutions in Toronto, such as the German Consulate General, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or the German-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, fostering innovation, creativity and international academic exchange. With regular events, such as the German Academic “Stammtisch” (Meet-up) or the popular “Science Slam”, the society wants to strengthen the connection between local actors and within the German-speaking Academic community.
The society is looking for new members and supporters, who are interested in building and growing the community or to volunteer at events. If you are interested in becoming a member or in volunteering at upcoming events, please contact gastwerk416@gmail.com for further information.