Coming up - May 14: Franco-German Climate Talk “Sustainable Finance: Paving the way for the cities of tomorrow”.

Green Finance Talk logo, © French Consulate Toronto
How can green finance help prevent climate change? If you are interested in this question, join us for our joint Franco-German Climate Talk on May 14th on the Topic “Sustainable Finance: Paving the way for the cities of tomorrow”.
Representatives from the public and private sectors from Canada, France & Germany will discuss how to finance green infrastructures for the cities of tomorrow. The discussion will touch upon green bonds & green funds at the local level as well as other innovative green financial instruments.
The panel will be moderated by Ms. Céline Bak, Founder & President of Analytica Advisors.
The German panelist is Andreas Kraemer, founder & director emeritus of Ecologic Institute in Berlin, Germany, Chairman (pro bono) of Ecologic Institute US in Washington DC, Senior Fellow of the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Waterloo (Ontario).
Franco-German Climate Talk
“Sustainable Finance: Paving the way for cities of tomorrow”
May 14, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Aird&Berlis LLP
181 Bay Street
This event is free of charge; upfront registration required: