
Newsletter of the German Consulate General Vancouver

75 Jahre Grundgesetz - Staatsakt

75 Jahre Grundgesetz - Staatsakt, © picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler


Dear readers of the Newsletter of the German Consulate General in Vancouver,

The summer recess is over and most of us are back to work after a hopefully nice and relaxing holiday. This fall, some important political events are coming up: in Germany the elections in three federal states in September, in Canada elections in three of the provinces, and, of course, the presidential elections in the United States. All these elections will be important for the preservation of the democratic system as we know and cherish it. Therefore, it should be an obligation for all of us who want to keep what we have, to go to the polls and cast our vote.

Moreover, 2024 is a year to reflect on other important events in the past. In 1949, after the horrors of the Second World War and 12 years of Nazi tyranny, the darkest time in our history, West Germany gave itself a new constitution, the “Grundgesetz”. It laid the foundation for a free, liberal and democratic system, that has now formed the basis of our society for 75 years. Since October 3, 1990, our brethren from the former East Germany are also enjoying the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the “Grundgesetz”. In 1974, the then two German States were admitted into the United Nations and have for 50 years played an important and constructive role in the family of nations, even more so as a re-united Germany. Finally, 35 years ago, the peoples of central Europe, fighting for their freedom, brought the Iron Curtain down, which had divided Europe for more than 40 years. The fall of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November 1989 opened the window of opportunity for the two German states to re-unite in freedom and peace.

Having all this in mind, we should be thankful for what we have achieved during these last, often difficult decades. However, we should also be aware that nothing of this comes for free, like a non-negotiable birth right. We have to stand up for it, fight for it if necessary and make it clear to all of those who don´t share our beliefs or even are fundamentally opposed to them that we stand by our principles, values and convictions. For the preservation of peace, prosperity and the well-being of our and our children´s free and democratic societies.

I wish you all a nice and enjoyable fall.

Yours sincerely

Marc Eichhorn
Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vancouver

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