
Formal obligation for visitors to Germany (“Verpflichtungserklärung”)


In order to show that someone has sufficient financial means to support a stay in Germany, visa applicants may be asked to present a formal letter of financial support.

Visa applicants need to show proof of financial means to finance their trip to and stay in Germany. In some cases, the applicant may be asked to present a formal obligation (also called letter of financial support/“Verpflichtungserklärung”) signed by the sponsor who pays for the expenses of the visa applicant in Germany.

1. Students in Germany

In order to show that they have sufficient financial means for their stay in Germany, foreign students may be asked to present a formal letter of financial support (“Verpflichtungserklärung”) or to open a blocked bank account (Sperrkonto).

  • Formal letters of support for students in Germany have to be signed at the local aliens' authority (“Ausländerbehörde”) in Germany by a sponsor who has a legal residence in Germany. Letters of financial support for students in Germany cannot be signed at or issued by a German embassy or consulate outside of Germany. If the sponsor does not have a legal residence in Germany, the student will have to open a blocked bank account instead.
  • More information about a blocked account for students

2. Visitors to Germany

The German Consulate Toronto can only issue a ormal letter of support for a visitor visa, if you have income or assets in Germany, otherwise we cannot issue this letter.

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