Genealogy/ Finding a Person in Germany and Europe
This page contains the contact data of German institutions who can assist with genealogic inquiries or the location of missing persons in Germany.

This page contains the contact data of German institutions who can assist with genealogic inquiries or the location of missing persons in Germany.
Please note that the Consulate is not in a position to recommend any special one of the services listed below and that fees may occur, which would have to be supported by you.
For in-depth research about your ancestry it may be advisable to consult the services of a professional genealogist. You may contact the following association:
German Association of Genealogists Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen e.V. |
German Red Cross Search Service Munich Tel.: +49 (0)89 - 68 07 73 - 0 |
German Center for Genealogy (Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogie) Tel.: +49-341 255-5551 |
German Association of Genealogical Unions Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft genealogischer Verbände e. V. (DAGV) Mitgliederverzeichnis der DAGV |
Central Archive for the Research on the History of Jews in Germany Bienenstrasse 5 Tel: +49-6221-164141 Webseite |
German Emigrant Database |
International Social Service Tel.: +41 22 906 77 00 |
Familie International Frankfurt e.V. Tel: +49 69 - 95 63 64 31 |
Commercial Search Service:
Herkunftsberatung Günthersburgallee 6 |